
Many of my patients tell me they do not have time to exercise.
Actually, (no sarcasm intended) all we have is time. It’s how we prioritize the use of our time that matters.

When you were small, your parents had to force you to brush your teeth…remember? But, now you would not leave the house without brushing..right? That’s because you have developed a habit of teeth brushing. You can also develop a habit of exercising.
To maintain a healthy self – physical, emotional and spiritual – we need 30 minutes of exercise everyday. Try two 15 minute walks to start. If you drive to work, park 15 minutes from your workplace. Do this for 8 weeks and you will have developed a ‘habit’ of exercise.

Actions become habits ..habits become character..character becomes your destiny. Your destiny could be a healthy and happier you.

Annandale Women and Family Center – Walk-in Clinic Alexandria VA
2839 Duke Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 667-4064

Annandale Women & Family Center Address

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